Need to think on this one ....
Done thinking . ..
3.5 stars ???
First response.....damn it. Not as great or good as it should have been.
The author spent so much time trying to either educate me on comic culture or convince me he knew comic culture, that he forgot about the romance and story arc. I know comic culture, its a hazard of my line of work. I was thrilled to be reading a romance where that was the back drop. We geeks need more smexy press!!! But, the need to tell all about it, to include every comic reference possible eventually turned me off a bit. It wasn't that the book was weird or too geeky, it simply contained too many references. I did not need to be convinced the author did his homework. I wanted more of the dynamic of Trip and Silas the characters, as artists, as men, as lovers.... I was hoping for an intensely GRIPPING love story and less of a comic info dump.
I laughed plenty at the one liners and the numerable descriptions of the male genitalia . . . But i never sat in fear or shed a tear.
And the author's style of description makes me laugh and giggle! Love that! I have been trying to use the phrase "clutching his munchables" in as many conversations as I can...but I have small children so it has been limited . . .
Trip and Silas were fun, but not nearly the intensity of Griff and Dante. Sorry, but I could not help but compare. I have read Hot Head an embarrassing number of times . . . I love how they love each other . . . Lub dub lub dub . . . .