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deirdre....in my free time

Always looking for my next book hangover. Give me great characters with a surprisingly original plot and you got me . . . Throw in action, some romance, and a twist and I am sold . . . .

My updates as i read ...

Keeping Sweets - Cate Ashwood
"So big steak dinner, beer, and tequila shots the night before shooting the first porn scene??? Erm. . ."
01/05     50.0% "so i need to completely suspend disbelief and take any realism off the table . . . cute guys, just zero reality. never mind this KID graduated high school 3 weeks ago. the ick factor . . ."
01/05     60.0% "Really? All your life you wanted your first time to be with a stranger in front of cameras?? Really?????"
01/05     60.0% "Omg! Lisa!! Now, the smaller guy, the assumed bottom....is giving cooking tips. Of course." 
01/05     79.0% "And no condoms?? You idiot!! He is a porn star. His test was last month. Any clue what could be growing there????? Not smart kid. Not smart. Well, you are a kid......"
01/05     85.0% "It ain't love till the top bottoms." 


Don't think this worked for me ....